I use this space as a platform to share my observations and reflections on personal growth, technology, communities, future of work and current events. You’ll find a lot of educational content about blockchain and its applications, but moving forward my goal for writing is to think out loud about the state of the world, the implications of emerging technology and how we can leverage them to create a better future.

I believe we each possess the ability to create positive change in the world, but the most important step is to start with the self: to become aware of our own biases, think critically, and act with intention. So in addition to my work for and with others, I’m constantly reflecting on how I can best set myself up to be more effective in those loftier efforts. This includes venturing into philosophy, spirituality, psychotechnologies, and systems for living and thinking that lower the friction as much as possible. I reflect on this journey at Samadhi City - an experimental newsletter about cultivating inner stillness in the chaos of every day life.

Although my formal education was in the sciences I have since adopted a more interdisciplinary, curiosity-driven approach to self-development. I spend most days exploring and experimenting with decentralized technologies to see how they can help us replace broken systems and improve lives. My entrepreneurial journey began in 2019 when I co-founded Last of Ours, a digital collectibles and games platform that channels funds and attention towards wildlife conservation initiatives.

What I’m working on these days…

You can also find me on Twitter, Medium, and reach me here.